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Tuesday, March 09, 2004
Chocolate [K]razy
     I'm not sure about my appetite today, it's one of those weird ones...yesterday, I couldn't hold myself from chocolate+vanilla ice-cream, and today I was drawn and theoritically flying towards the chocolate corner at the supermarket.

     It's weird, I mean, I was walking back and forth at that particular row and looked for chocolates. Saw the delicious Cadbury. No way, not getting another Cadbury, I need something...not Kit Kat. Kit Kat's too little, I mean, I can practically eat it all in one second. Finally...I found Tim Tam...I don't remember eating one of those. Maybe I had but it must have been quite a while. The next thing I know, two packets of Tim Tam went all the way to the counter.

     Then, I was enjoying the delicious chocolate biscuits and it all went well until...I looked into the back of the CD (the reflective part) and saw...erm, why is my teeth filled with chocolate. Then, I swallowed a quarter litre of water but they're still there.

     My next trip to the shop...chewing gum!

     Enough about chocolate cuz I want to save the fun for later...I'm hungry right now and when I'm hungry, I'm an aggressive shopper (what a word). I can practically take anything on the supermarket's shelf...okay, not going there later or I'll end up really broke *lol*.

Francisca/Female/16-20. Lives in Malaysia/Sarawak/Kuching, speaks Chinese and English. Eye color is brown. I am freakish. I am also optimistic. My interests are music/doing something new.
This is my blogchalk:
Malaysia, Sarawak, Kuching, Chinese, English, Francisca, Female, 16-20, music, doing something new.


Case-sensitive? yes
exact fuzzy


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