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Thursday, March 25, 2004
What's in the name?
     I read the friendster's bulletin board and found something written by a friend, which had a link to a pretty cool website. According to the site, my Ninja Burger name is Mosuke Kiyokawa -san. I like that name.
     Checked out Japanese Name Converter and found out that my name (Francisca Chong) is pronounced Furanshisuka Chingu in Japanese.
     Anyway, it has been such a gloomy least I'm kinda gloomy these days without any good reason or excuse.
     Besides that, I also visited Death Test to "determine" the day I'll die. Man, you'll never believe this.

Francisca/Female/16-20. Lives in Malaysia/Sarawak/Kuching, speaks Chinese and English. Eye color is brown. I am freakish. I am also optimistic. My interests are music/doing something new.
This is my blogchalk:
Malaysia, Sarawak, Kuching, Chinese, English, Francisca, Female, 16-20, music, doing something new.


Case-sensitive? yes
exact fuzzy


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