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Saturday, March 20, 2004
election and my life
     Tomorrow's gonna be a big day...I mean pretty big here in Malaysia cuz it's the General Election...yup, on a Sunday. Can it be that Monday is gonna be a holiday? Eheher, hope not...can't wait to start my class.

     Anyway, the campaigns organized by the nominated parties and candidates are pretty hot. Seriously, you can see flags, posters the size of a few stories/floors, fliers, etc all around...the face of DAP candidate pointing to the sky on a billboard near my campus...what a life. Can it be some posing in front of a camera in the little studio? Possible. When it comes to politics, I'm really sitting on the fence, glancing here and there occasionally. I'm not really a political-minded people and I'm not gonna elaborate too much about it. It should stay in the politic category where you don't call a politician "a very kind" person'll just say that the politician did his/her job well.

     Is it possible that the campaigns are polluting the cities? Honestly, it does make the cities looked pretty ugly (no offence). My friends and I were roaming around with some of my friends' friends from other states and one of them wanted to take pictures of beautiful places around Kuching (a.k.a. Cat City). So, we went around, trying to find statues and all that. The first stop at the cat statue in between shopping centres...that one was pretty alright, some other tourists were there too. Then we went to another statue not very far away and it was pretty...well, that is if the flags of the parties and pictures of them were not there. We left that place without taking photos of the statue anyway. What a time. Hopefully the election will be over soon and people can stop talking all about politics and the flags and posters will be cleared from the cities/towns/etc.

     I went to work as usual today, erm...for the last 5 days. It was pretty alright there, I far as I know. Maybe I was cynical today cuz I was feeling neck pain, strains, some headache, kept getting hungry, etc. I did see Tgihaco today and like most other days I was wondering when will it all end. Not that I know him or anything but I'm pretty curious, what type of person is he.

     Actually, a few nights ago, my friends and I went to his workplace for dinner. I had my supper, but he wasn't there. It was pretty weird, after all those months but we've never spoken even one word. Could it be that he's a snob? Maybe he thought I was a might have appeared to be one. He might have appeared to be one too but I don't actually think that he's a snob cuz he wouldn't have smiled at an old woman and her little son who almost ran into him the other day, if he was a snob. I'll accept the reality that there's a chance that we'll never ever talk, not even a single word, ever, forever tho' I hope that it won't be true. Unfortunately, as far as it goes, that is almost a reality. Too bad.

     Honestly, there's no way to determine how long I'm gonna be seeing him walking pass and all that. Sometimes I did notice him looking from the corner of his eyes but I wasn't sure if he was looking at me or was finding my boss's daughter (I mean, who knows he had a crush on her, right?). Reality's the way life goes, btw. I'm more pessimist today than some other days that went pass because I was feeling like a crap somehow...nothing in this world was really at the right place.

     The guys in my crush list was reduced to two...I don't actually remember much about the someone who I mentioned in the earlier sucks, eh? You like someone for a while and then you don't actually remember that person. I guess it's right that most people come and go but some left footprints in our path...erm, that's careerwise. In my case, it probably goes like this: Most people would come and go but some left a hole in my heart...ok, that's the right one...and then some come to heal it and disappeared, leaving a new hole...and later, maybe "the one" came along and you know the rest of the story, but as of now, I was thinking of reflecting because these few months have been pretty confusing and I really need to think things through.

Francisca/Female/16-20. Lives in Malaysia/Sarawak/Kuching, speaks Chinese and English. Eye color is brown. I am freakish. I am also optimistic. My interests are music/doing something new.
This is my blogchalk:
Malaysia, Sarawak, Kuching, Chinese, English, Francisca, Female, 16-20, music, doing something new.


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