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Thursday, February 19, 2004
Nothing much these days other than exams and lots of cramming. Operating Systems paper tomorrow and it's holiday for me, woohoo! I think I'll be working but I'll be happy to do most other things anyway. One of the things I won't want to do ever again was studying Pengajian Malaysia for real. It was fun to read about how Malaysia was formed, the constitutions and all that but forcing me to memorize ever single step was like stranggling me and hope that I'll be breathing. It was that bad. Hopefully I won't be repeating that paper cuz it was horrible. Now I realized that I had never been good in secondary school because I was really bad at memorizing facts. Worse, I don't even like reading too much about things that are so general e.g. history. History is bad for me cuz I'll keep asking questions that only the historian can answer. For instance, I'm reading about a patriotic "warrior" who killed a colonial and I'd go like "erm, is there no other way besides killing? Do they understand each other's language? What's wrong with the colonial, shouldn't they be respecting the natives? How arrogant are the colonials?" Nevertheless, it's almost quite useful to remember that politics are usually pretty self-centered and self-praising and history is never forgiving. But on the other hand, I'm glad that the government has done its job well. It didn't matter if they're self-praising as long as they're not making things worse.

Francisca/Female/16-20. Lives in Malaysia/Sarawak/Kuching, speaks Chinese and English. Eye color is brown. I am freakish. I am also optimistic. My interests are music/doing something new.
This is my blogchalk:
Malaysia, Sarawak, Kuching, Chinese, English, Francisca, Female, 16-20, music, doing something new.


Case-sensitive? yes
exact fuzzy


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